Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Chinese Yo-Yo's

An inexpensive child's toy is the chinese yoyo. You know, the plastic stick with a long length of waxed paper wrapped around it. Fling it out and it will unroll partly, then roll back in. Hence the yoyo name.

Cheap thrills via Oriental Trading, or your local party supply location.

Give yoyo to child. Babies are especially funny with this.

Show baby/child how to wave yoyo and get it to unwrap.

Stand back and watch as the yoyo almost immediately breaks and you get one of two results....

"MOM! It broke!" or..... a gleeful chortle as the baby now has two neat toys!

I buy these by the dozen, I can get them quite cheap if I don't care what design they have on them.

Who cares if it's not Valentine's Day? The toy has a lifespan less than a circus goldfish!


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