Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Leave the Palin kid alone! Geez.

I am a Democrat. Caucused in Iowa, for Hillary, was sad when she didn't get the nomination. Etc. Ect. Etc.

But for the love of all that is holy, leave that 17 year old kid out of the politics! Geez. As if it isn't bad enough that the kid's preggers and 17, we really have to have rumors that her mother, the Governor of Alaska, faked her own pregnancy to cover up Bristoll's, AND.... that the cute baby she had is really her granddaughter. (Not to sound crass here, but does anyone know the statistical likelyhood of a 17 year old having a baby with Downs? Yes, it happens, but come on.)

Because no one in the state of Alaska woulda noticed.... maybe it was all the snow? Or did we miss the sekret clandestine trip to a third world country where the 17 year old could have had the baby AND all the prenatal care needed.... AND how did Sarah Palin herself convince her doctors to go with her on this one.

Uh huh. Sarah Palin had the kid, folks, Bristoll is now, unfortunately pregnant, but that really doesn't have a bit to do with who's going to win in November. Can we get back to what the Republicans believe is really important? Like how the war is going great and how all of the country's problems are caused by illegal immigration and we don't need no stinkin' healthcare!

It's got to be heartbreaking for that entire family to see their mental plan for their daughter's life take such an unexpected and drastic detour. Now, with family support, we can all hope that this detour doesn't become a lifetime path and that the 17 year old can pull her life back together and get it back on the road she had in mind before the little oops happened.

Children of candidates really should be off limits. This girl's getting more attention than the Spears kid.


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